Again, another busy day. It was hot, too, but we have no idea how hot it actually was, since the temperature here is given in celcius! I think it was about 32 degrees, but I don't know how that compares.
We began the day at the Toronto Zoo. Their animal displays were nice, but there were two unique areas: dinosaurs and a splash playground. The dinosaurs scared Jonathan, of course (see above), but fascinated the other two. Then they played for about half an hour in a huge splash zone. Luckily I had read the brochure ahead of time and took their suits. There were a ton of kids there on field trips, so I think Canadians are still in school. The Toronto Zoo is absolutely huge - we probably saw about 1/3 of the exhibits at the most.
We then had the lunch we had packed in the car, and after much deliberation decided to drive over to the Ontario Science Center. The airconditioning is what tipped the scales. Unfortunately, we only had 2 1/2 hours to spend there. We could easily have been there all day. When it closed at 5, we spent about an hour in traffic and finally stopped at Boston Pizza for dinner. It was nice, like a TGI Fridays. We had good meals, topped off by dessert - you can order what they call "bite size portions" of dessert, which are basically the regular size cut in half.
The restaurant was conveniently across the street from the mall, so we ventured in, searching for a Blue Jays shirt for Alexander. No luck, but we did buy a few souveniers along the way. Wal Mart is one of the corner stores at this mall - ugh. Despite being labeled a "department store," it's the same ugly, crowded Wal Mart you'ld find anywhere. We couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Tomorrow we visit our last two main sights. Chris is downstairs right now, trying to figure out if it is easier and cheaper to drive or take the bus/train. We've also managed to run out of Canadian Dollars and need to go exchange some. I always forget how expensive big cities are. When we go to NYC next month, we're taking double the cash!!!
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