The boys had fun on Thursday playing with their presents. The sandbox was a big hit - we had to throw our old one away after continual jumping on the lid broke it - and fresh new sand made it even better. Benjamin and Alexander enjoyed the lightsabers (which stay outside), as did Uncle Jeff. Jeff is planning on picking up lots of girls at Penn State as he walks around with his new lightsaber.
Alexander got a volcano science
kit. He cast the volcano and is now waiting for it to dry. We'll hopefully be able to erupt it tomorrow.
The picture of the kids playing in the sandbox is freaking me out. I am here in my house, cold, and there is about 6-8 inches of snow on the ground outside. There has been snow on the ground for at least a month now. Even though I know you are in Florida, somehow it isn't making sense in my brain.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, a cold front is coming through next week and we should get at least one freezing night. But today we are having a record high, so they are outside in their tank tops and bare feet. We may even have to turn on the air.
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