I think I'm finally recovered from Alexander's party on Saturday. It's partly my fault, as I chose to go on a nine mile run that morning (!) The theme for his party was gingerbread houses. The twelve kids made gingerbread houses out to graham crackers and icing (homemade, of course, to avoid transfat). While the icing hardened, we played some games, including BINGO (they made their boards as they came in, throw the candy on the Christmas tree, and my favorite, marshmallow on a string. It was amusing to watch them hold the string for their partners. You can tell a lot about a child by how easy or hard he makes it for his partner.
It was a great bunch of kids. Alexander is still of the age where he has boy and girl friends, so I wasn't stuck with 12 boys. The girls seem to keep the party a bit calmer. He got some great presents, too, including Mad Libs, Clue, Matchbox toys, an art kit, soccer socks and ball, 20Q, and more! We finished off the party with a yummy gingerbread cake. I'm glad we decided on that - if I had served cake with frosting, there's no way the kids could have eaten it! They left on a sugar high. Sorry, other parents!
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