Thursday, September 4, 2008

I can't stand it anymore...

Well, I was trying to do what Barack said and leave Sarah Palin's family out of it, but after watching her last night, I'm just going to burst if I don't say something.

She is "proud of her daughter's choice." Since Palin doesn't believe in abortion AT ALL, her daughter obviously didn't have a choice about keeping the baby. Which choice is she proud of? Her choice to have unprotected premaritial sex? When you teach abstenance only, this is a predictable outcome.

I have to admit, I had a sexist reaction when I learned about her 4 month old son with Down's. My gut reaction is to ask why she is running for vice president when she has a special needs child at home. I know, no one would ever ask that about a man. But, you know what? A man can't breastfeed....

That being said, even without her family, she's still not qualified to be vice president. I have raised a family, joined the PTA (although my kids don't play hockey), and I've traveled to more countries than she has. I'm just as qualified as she is! Hmmmm....


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you, even though I am not a woman. I can't respect someone's choice, when you want to take the ability to make that choice away.

Jodie Cope, Licensed Acupuncturist and Health Coach said...

Ditto, Karen. Thank you!!