Today was our first day of school here in Volusia County! As you can see from the picture, I had two excited boys and one unhappy one. Alexander cried until about 5 minutes before he got on the bus, and then was fine.
When I picked the boys up from afterschool, I got a (literal) thumbs up from Jonathan, along with happy smiles from the other boys. They are all happy with their teachers and had a great day.
I, too, had my first day of school. Six of my seven children arrived, and I had a pretty good day overall. I made a few first year teacher type mistakes, but I have two days to work on them since we have NO SCHOOL for the next two days. Yup, we have two hurricane days coming up. Go to http://www.noaa.gov/ for the latest information on Tropical Storm Fay. Two days off on the first day of school. Not quite the way I had pictured my first week of school, but we'll deal with it. Two days home with the boys, and unable to go outside. Ugh.
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