I've now gone through our second batch of pictures: Paris! I have to admit, it was our least favorite city, but we did see some fabulous sights. The Louve was absolutely incredible. The size was intimidating. We saw the required Mona Lisa, and then wandered around, bumping into (not literally) famous works of art. Amazing.

While we waited for the rest of the group, the kids played in this garden outside the Louvre. See those buildings behind them? Those are part of the Louve. I can't even describe how massive it is.

On our last night, we went to the Eiffel Tower. We were up there around 10:30 PM - notice the sky is still dusk. It was beautiful.

Jonathan's only desire on this trip was to see the Eiffel Tower. Once we arrived in Paris, any time the bus gave us a glimpse of it, he would yell, "There's the Eiffel Tower!" to the great amusement of the teenagers. Here he is hugging it!

This is most of the teenagers, minus the one who puked on the bus that morning (Chris took him back to the hotel and met back up with us a few hours later.) They were a great group of kids.

We traveled on the Eurostar through the Chunnel to get to Paris.

Our family in the gardens of Versailles.

When we stopped to see the Eiffel Tower, Jonathan took picture after picture. There must be about 20 on our camera. He was absolutely hilarious, as are some of the pictures.

We had a bit of free time by Notre Dame, and we were able to walk inside.

Hmmm...what is this strange food I am eating? Will I like it?? I guess I'll give it a try...

...I like it!

I'm still hungry!

Just plain cheese, please.

What a trio!
1 comment:
Louvre Museum Trivia:
The American composer Normon Dello Joio has a band piece called "Scenes from the Louvre." It's basically the same as Pictures at and Exhibition by Mussorgsky.
They turned this into a TV show, and he composed the music for this, as well!
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