Last month, a few students walked into Chris' class and said, "Wouldn't it be funny if Mr. Weinrich grew a beard?" He didn't laugh. They came in the next day and asked if they could make it worth his while. As tempting as it may be, he can't take money from the kids. The NEXT day, they asked him if they could raise money for his favorite charity. We talked about it that night, and he came up with $3/day. For every three dollars they collect (to go to the ONE campaign), he won't shave for a day. They're now up to $88. I should say that I reserve a "buy-out" clause. At any time, I can match their money and buy them out, enabling him to shave. They have him through Thanksgiving so far.....
Is it only you Karen, that has the buyout clause? Can anyone else get into that, if we don't like the beard?
Now the hairdo...
that's funny... Doug keeps trying to grow a beard when I'm not looking and I keep protesting. I might be able to put up with it longer if it were going to a good cause, but yeah, I have to agree, you should be entitled to a buy-out clause. Is there a time limit to when they have to stop collecting?
I wish I could be man enough to grow a beard so someone would have a buy-out clause for me. I tried last year but it was way too thin and I looked like a fool.
When I grow up I want to grow a beard ...
We didn't set a time limit for collections, but once they are out of money, the beard goes. The students, of course, think it is hilarious, and are trying to set all kinds of rules. They seem to think he will look Amish.... I'll have to float the idea of others entering the buyout clause. Donations, anyone???
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