Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another Job Disappointment

You may have noticed I haven't written about my job search in some time. For the last two weeks, I've been in hot pursuit of a job and decided that if I didn't blog about it, I'd have more chance of getting it. Turns out that idea was wrong.

About 3 weeks ago, a fifth grade teacher at the boys' school took a leave of absence for the rest of the year. Last week, the job was finally posted on the hotline, and the principal was given permission to hire (despite the job freeze). I was so excited, and called right away to schedule an interview. I've been trying to get into this school for awhile now, and this is the first position that has come up in over a year.

On Thursday, I was interviewed by a committee of teachers. They interviewed 21 applicants. That's right, 21! From what I understand there were more than 50 applicants. They then recommended their top four choices for the next round of interviews. I got the call on Friday and my second interview was set for Monday at 11:45. I spent all weekend reading teacher-type books, mostly about discipline. This class is extremely challenging, with 14 boys and 8 girls. Luckily, I have a little experience in the boy department.

So, yesterday I interviewed with the principal, vice principal, and other fifth grade teacher. I thought the interview went pretty well, but I didn't feel totally confident about it. I just can't put my finger on it, but I didn't have a wonderful feeling. That was confirmed this morning at 7:15, when the principal called me and told me they chose someone else.

Now, I can make myself feel better by remembering that I did make it to the second round. And if I had gotten the job, it was going to be extremely challenging to me and my family. And I would have had to put Jonathan in full time care instead of part time preschool. And it was a fifth grade job, and I prefer the primary grades. But none of that really helps. It still sucks. It still boils down to the fact that I really wanted the job and didn't get it. There's just no way to sugar coat rejection. It sucks.


Craig Weinrich said...

I hear ya, I was rejected on a quick phone interview for a position in DC. I know that feeling of "it just sucks"

Karen and Chris said...

Man, that sucks, too. At least I was interviewed "in person." Rejections of any kind suck.