Here's a picture of Dave, Jodie, and Liesl from when they visited at Christmas time. We can't wait to see how much Liesl has grown when we get to Duluth this summer. Which brings me to...
We're in the midst of planning our summer excursion. We're also watching gas prices with dread as they climb higher and higher. I have to keep reminding myself that even if gas is $4 a gallon, it's still cheaper than buying 5 plane tickets! Here are our tentative plans:
- June 9 - 10: Drive to Indianapolis, with a stop at Mammoth Cave
- June 10 - 12: Stay in Indianapolis with Karen's college roommate Loui and her husband Carl
- June 12 - 14: Stay at Wisconsin Dells
- June 14 - 20: Stay with Dave, Jodie, and Liesl in Duluth. Karen is running Grandma's half marathon, and Dave is running the full marathon. Chris and Alexander are also running a 5K the night before the marathon.
- June 20 - 22: Stay with our friends the Elmquists (Jonathan's best friend!) in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. They moved there in December and we can't wait to see them again.
- June 22-23: Drive to Toronto
- June 23 - 27: Stay in Toronto and explore the city. We've never been there, and are excited to see it. We're also going to check out Niagra Falls!
- June 27: Drive to Lewisburg and stay with Cindi's family
- June 28: Drive to Allentown!!!!! It will be our "home base" for the rest of the trip.
- June 30: Karen's 20th high school reunion. Are we really that old???
- July 1 - 7: Bear Creek Camp for Benjamin and Alexander!!! Alexander is staying for 3 nights, and after we drop him off, Chris and I are going to stay at a hotel in the Poconos.
- July 16 - 20: Chris and I go to NYC for the week with a group from Volusia County Schools. The three boys are staying with Gram and Pop-Pop and attending their VBS.
- Sometime after July 20th: Drive home! We have to be home by July 27th, when we have tickets to see the London Symphony Orchestra perfoming Beethoven's Ninth Symphony! One of our friends, Gretchen, is in the chorus.
Well, that's a not-so-short summary of our trip. We hope to visit many of our friends while we are in Allentown in July. If you have any suggestions for our trip, let us know!!! We have 3 DVD screens to install in our car, which should help our trip go smoother.
Wow! That trip sounds awesome. I would totally take that trip, even with three boys.
I love long trips like that, and you guys are going all over the place. Very cool!
George = GJ. Just to clarify. I'm not used to the GJ thing on the computer.
When in NY, if you have some spare time let me know! Doug and I will be around then :).
Ok, so I was more excited about Beethoven. Janice and I got to sing the Ninth in college, and it was an amazing experience. I am jealous.
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