Jonathan's only field trip this year was to the Medieval Faire in Gainesville. Both Alexander and Benjamin also went when they were in third grade, and they loved it. We decided to make a family day of it and we all took the day off from school to go. It was a blast. Here, Benjamin and Alexander are throwing stars. 
This is one of the performers we watched, who looked mysteriously like a certain reporter from Jon Stewart. He was very funny.
Jonathan had saved his allowance, and used it to buy this shield and sword. He had made the vest (and "chainmail" hat that got too hot) at school ahead of time.

One of the big highlights of the day was the jousting tournament.
Chris and Benjamin trying out axe throwing.

This is one of the performers we watched, who looked mysteriously like a certain reporter from Jon Stewart. He was very funny.

One of the big highlights of the day was the jousting tournament.

What we did not realize is that there are many people who make their living going around the country from faire to faire. This one lasted 2 weekends. Many of the workers travel in RV's, but we met others who sleep in a tent at each site. What a life. They reminded us a bit of the workers who travel with the carnival games, but maybe a step up. We threw down quite a bit of money that day at the different booths. but had a good time doing it.