Well, I've let the blog fall by the wayside. It has just been a crazy two months. We returned from a whirlwind Europe trip, unpacked, then headed to PA a week later. Drove Benjamin to camp, and then a week later got a job offer. Drove home the next day to get started on my classroom. Boys came back the next week with mom and dad.
Now, 4 weeks into school, I can finally breathe. I've been teaching a kindergarten/first combo, and it's been challenging. The kids are great, but the planning is killing me. Relief is on the way when we hire a new teacher next week.
All of our other activities have also started. Benjamin is again taking tap, jazz, ballet, and modern. Alexander opted for modern and acro, and Jonathan is taking acro class, as well. I'm trying just to keep my head above water at school and sneak in an occasional run. Oh, did I mention Chris and I are running the Daytona Beach Half Marathon in a month and a half?? The fun never ends.
Seriously, though, we have been blessed. We took an amazing trip with great high-schoolers. I was a bit worried to travel with 75% boys, but they were awesome. Then I got a job at a wonderful school with a great team of kindergarten teachers. I've also been saving our "disney dollars" from our credit card and we were able to use them (and our "give-a-day" volunteer credits) to purchase annual passes for the first time in 3 years. AND I'm back in the public schools, where the pay and benefits are way better. Life is good.